Buttocks Augmentation González-Fontana in Valencia and Castellón

Aumento dde Gluteos Valencia González-Fontana

Patients in the intervention or buttock augmentation surgery is indicated, are those in which either due to the passage of time, or by their appearance, they need or want an increase in the amount realized.

One of the parts of our body most crucial in relation to sensuality are the buttocks or buttocks.

With gluteoplasty or buttock augmentation surgery, a more rounded and with a size suitable to the preferences of patients buttocks are obtained.

During the first visit to our clinic the plastic surgeon Dr. González Fontana examine the patient, the size and position of the buttocks or buttocks, agreeing with the patient what results you want to achieve and specifying the technique to use (implants or own) fat.

Before InterventionInterventionPostoperative
  • Wash the area with antiseptic soap the night before.
  • Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory 7-10 days before.
  • No smoking in previous and subsequent days.
  • Incision in the cleft.
  • Ultracohesive prosthesis silicone gel in the intermuscular space.
  • Duration 2 hrs.
  • Recovery 15 days.
  • Compression Girdle postoperative during one month.

If you want to increase the size of your butt and get more volume with a rounded forms very attractive, to thus feel confident and good about yourself and against others, and you want to know all the details by a plastic surgeon renowned, this intervention increased buttocks in Valencia and Castellón, see our cosmetic surgery clinic in Valencia and Castellón and advise you on everything you need to know about this intervention.

The great satisfaction obtained by our patients after performing his buttocks augmentation surgery, have made us a referral clinic for this intervention. Call for an appointment and we will provide all information about this effective intervention at the Medical Institute González Fontana.

We are specialized in the following body surgery procedures: Abdominoplasty, GynecomastiaLiposuctionLipotransferButtocks Augmentation. Postbariatric Surgery, Arms Lift, and Leg Lift.